What is Medicare?
Medicare is a federally run program that aims to provide subsidized and accessible health insurance to a specific population within the United States. You may qualify for Medicare if you are:
65 years of age and over
Under age 65 and have a disability
Under age 65 and have End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
​Medicaid enrollment is NOT a barrier to Medicare enrollment. You can dual enroll in Medicare and Medicaid!
There are four parts to Medicare:
Part A & B, which cover all hospital and preventative care necessities
Parts C & D, which include the Medicare Advantage Plan and prescription drug coverage respectively.
Standard Medicare includes parts A & B with the addition of Part D if consistent prescription drug coverage is also needed. Part C, or the Medicare Advantage Plan can be acquired through a private insurance provider and includes coverage that matches parts A & B plus additional aspects, like dental, vision hearing and/or health and wellness programs.
(Above) Figure 1: This figure shows the 4 different parts of medicare and what is covered under each.
Source: https://newsroom.nebraskablue.com/medicare-advantage-101/