What is SCHO up to?
Want to learn more about CHIP? New members Zainab Neemuchwala, Darena Nguyen, Posi Sulaimon, Deshan Weeraratne, & Ben Xie created a new and updated video going over the basics of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), covering things like eligiblity, enrollment, coverage, services, and more! Click here to learn more.
Fall 2024
What are our President and Projects co-director up to? Listen to Nicholas Kim and Avi Pandit discuss potential events and partnerships as well as some updates on we've been doing as a club!
Fall 2024
Formulary Showdown! SCHO members Anjali Anand, Jade Puga, Tkaya Samuels, Noah Cheng, and Aditya Seetharaman created a game-show style informational video to provide information on drug formularies to make sure you are getting the most out of the money you spend on your prescriptions and drugs.
Fall 2024
New member Darena Nguyen discusses her favorite parts of SCHO so far and her most memorable experiences and highlights of the semester. Looking forward to the future, she is excited to help make a positive change to the local underprivileged communities through spreading health insurance literacy!
Fall 2024
Why SCHO? Kailin Liu, a Fall 24 new member, provides insight into why she decided to join and encourages anyone interested to apply as well. She covers our mission to the local communities and explains the different branches encompassing all different kinds of skill sets!
Fall 2024
Projects team member Meghan Wong has been working on creating a brochure providing more information on emergency medical services and insurance enrollment to pass out at upcoming events!
Fall 2024
We've recently established a relationship with the Center for Healthcare Rights, a non-profit organization located in the heart of Los Angeles dedicated to providing free healthcare counseling and Medicare navigation to older adults.
Summer 2024